Archive by Author

Response to the heroin epidemic: 3. OST, the economics of diversion, and the dangers of naltrexone

…by Shaun Shelly… Percy Menzies’ post has stirred up a lot of controversy! Here, Shaun’s extensive rebuttal gathers some of these arguments, plus many of his own, and launches them in torpedo-like fashion. Shaun’s command of the research landscape is awesome, but let’s take care to keep a balanced perspective. ………………………………… In the previous post […] (Read the rest.)

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Response to the heroin epidemic: 2. Addiction, access, and the problem of opioid substitution

…by Percy Menzies… I met Percy, a treatment provider and policy person, in Minnesota about six months ago. We have had some spirited discussions since then. In his view, the culprit in the opiate crisis is access — drug availability — a position that’s put him in direct opposition to Johann Hari and others who […] (Read the rest.)

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Strong support for opiate substitution treatment…and fixing the bigger picture

…by Shaun Shelly… I just pulled into a lodge in Banff, Canada at 2 AM (roughly noon for me) after a flight delay and missed shuttle. I’m way too tired to introduce this intelligently. All I can say is that I have huge respect for Shaun’s understanding of what goes on in opiate addiction, both […] (Read the rest.)

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Triggers and Tethers

…by Matt Robert… This will be our last post of the season. Not only is it smart and sensitive but it’s also warm hearted and optimistic. An ideal note to end on — until January. In the meantime, I wish you all an incredibly happy or at least reasonably happy holiday, however you define “holiday” […] (Read the rest.)

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A doctor’s view on what doctors CAN’T do for addicts

…by Bill Abbott, M.D…. Bill has been a long-standing member of this blog community and he has contributed his leadership and knowledge to the SMART Recovery movement. Thanks, Bill, for taking the time to share your thoughts here. ………. I’ve recently completed two books. The first is Marc Lewis’s recent one and it is a […] (Read the rest.)

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