Archive by Author

Personality pathways to addiction

Three posts ago, I discussed the personality traits that make us most vulnerable to addiction. And I promised to say more about them. Most experts agree that the two biggees are…. (1) an impulsive or risk-taking personality style (2) an anxious, oversensitive personality style Note once again that there is nothing like a standard “addictive […] (Read the rest.)

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Why can’t the disease and learning models just get along?!

Will a developmental-learning model of addiction (e.g., Maia Szalavitz, Gabor Maté , Stanton Peele, and me) ever make peace with the disease model? That would be a happy ending! Nora Volkow and I could eat muffins together…or maybe have a glass of wine. We could establish a space for sharing data and ideas, working together […] (Read the rest.)

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The disease model of addiction…Not again?!

It’s been a while since my last post. I did some relaxing, hung out with my kids, but mostly I spent my time writing a long, dense article summarizing my book — an invited article for a journal. I found myself back in the ring, fighting the Disease Model of Addiction… Round 17. Is this […] (Read the rest.)

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Is addiction heritable? Separating fact from fiction

Hi all. I haven’t written anything since New Year’s, and I guess it’s time to crank up the blog machine. I can see that we have a lot of new readers. I want to welcome you newcomers as well as ye olde and faithful — I hope there’s something here for you and I hope […] (Read the rest.)

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New year’s greetings

Hello my lovelys! I’ve been thinking of you. Actually I thought of you mostly last night, New Year’s Eve, when my own addictive tendencies and my self-concept as someone who can drink alcohol safely (and socially) growled at each other for a little while. I feel grateful that I’m no longer at the cliff edge […] (Read the rest.)

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