Archive by Author

Tickled PINC

What a great conference!!! PINC (People, Ideas, Nature, Creativity) is like a Dutchified version of TED, and the main theme seems to be creativity — that’s what the “C” stands for — and what creativity looks like across disciplines including: science and its societal relevance, art and design, food, philosophy, and a few others. It was beautifully […] (Read the rest.)

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Addiction, recovery, and self-trust

Here it is, guys. A write-up of that talk I’m going to present. Actually, it’s a bit of an approximation, because I have to give another talk next week, before TED, at something called PINC, and I’m allowed 20 minutes instead of 8 minutes. So….this is more elaborate than what I can say on TED. […] (Read the rest.)

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Travel and trust

Hello! It’s been awhile. This is vacation time in the Netherlands. The kids are out of school for two weeks and we’re trying to do family-type things. I know, it’s a strange time to vacate, but the weather here is so spotty, this might be one of the few periods likely to get some sun […] (Read the rest.)

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The thrill is gone! (filling the void of Reward Deficiency Syndrome)

If you happen to click here and listen to B. B. King sing “The Thrill is Gone,” you might notice that he does not look happy. Nor does he sound happy. And he’s sweating. A lot! He says he’s free, but I somehow doubt it. What happens when the thrill is gone? That’s a central […] (Read the rest.)

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Running on empty: where eating disorders and drug addiction meet

By  Elizabeth from the blog…. I am very pleased to present a guest post, created by Elizabeth, who has been a member of this blog community for at least a year. Thanks, Elizabeth, for your contributions until now, and especially for this fascinating post– The present “obesity epidemic” has given rise to public concern about […] (Read the rest.)

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