Archive by Author

A genetic blueprint for addiction?

My last post was about neurodiversity, and it brought up some great discussion! Now I want to bring all this back to addiction. I’m at this Writers’ Festival in Sydney Australia, extremely jet-lagged, flogging my book, doing radio interviews a couple of times a day, and the same question keeps coming up: Is addiction genetic? […] (Read the rest.)

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Is ADHD (like addiction) a disorder, a disease, or a pocketful of neurodiversity?

In a recent post I brought up the age-old debate as to whether addiction is a disease or not. In response, Alese raised the bigger issue of neurodiversity. Many scientists believe that a certain amount of individual diversity is built into human behaviour, because it provides an evolutionary advantage for all of us. It may […] (Read the rest.)

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My recent talk in Toronto

Hi all. A number of you have asked if I could post that talk I gave at CAMH (“the scene of the crime”) on the evening of March 27th. Here’s my talk, converted into a PDF file and annotated for “easy reading”. Still X-rated of course. Enjoy… (Read the rest.)

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Disease or not?

Hi again. I’ve been back home in the Netherlands for exactly two weeks, and there has been so little time for anything…so I have not posted anything. Lots of course work to catch up on. One new class started last week, and I had to prepare my lectures…with eye-catching Powerpoint animation, jokes that might seem […] (Read the rest.)

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The scene of the crime

Hello people! It feels good to be back in touch with you….as though you are my long-lost family. I have posted some comments, haphazardly, in response to recent comments of yours. For anyone still waiting for a reply from me, I’m sorry. I’ll be home in three more days and I will catch up soon. […] (Read the rest.)

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